Oziron Nin-Khemia

A member of the Sith pureblood clan called Nin-Khēmia. Oziron Nin-Khēmia acts as a diplomat between his tribe and the Jedi order. Though he may come off as a lax individual, Oziron Nin-Khēmia is very serious about his job of keeping good ties between his people and others. He also well versed in medicine. History: Oziron Nin-Khēmia was born in 322 BBY and grew up within his tribe of Nin-Khēmia on Korraban, where he originally an apothecary who would create medicine. At somepoint he became a diplomat between his people and the Jedi order, maintaining good ties with them. Notes: As an OC, Oziron Nin-Khēmia has no canon or legends counterpart