Era Ahzek

Though considered a Dark Jedi, Era Ahzek is a Jedi at hear when it comes to her values, while she has dedicated her life into protecting others, disagreements with the Jedi approach to the Dark side has lead her to leave the Jedi order in order so she could learn the Dark side secrets Era Ahzek believes that all aspects of the force should be studied, regardless of if their light or dark sided in nature. This has lead to tension between her former Jedi friends turned adversary and Sith enemies alike, however she remains undeterred in her goal History: Era Ahzek was born in 1029 BBY on Shilli and was taken to the Jedi temple, where she was raised as a member of the Jedi order, though she did briefly take part in the New Sith wars, her desire to learn all aspects of the force had lead to her leaving the order Notes: Era Ahzek is an OC