Aayla Secura
One of the many Jedi generals to serve in the clone wars, Aayla Secura led the 327th Star Corps during the war, a compassionate but serious individual. Aayla was a perfect fit of her unit.
Aayla was raised by Quinlan Vos and considers him a father. At a young age she almost fell to the dark side by Volfe Karkko, however she managed to overcome this, granting her the rank of knight.
She also has a thing for Kit Fisto, don't know why.
Aayla Secura was born on Ryloth in 48 BBY, when she was young she and some others were taken by the Jedi order by Quinlan Vos so the don't fall to the life of slavery and Voss took her as an apprentice himself.
As she grew up she was taught by Vos and considered him her father. when she was 17 she and Vos was sent to capture Volfe Karkko, during this time she almost fell to the dark side by his influence but was saved by Vos and killed Karkko, earning the title of Jedi knight.
Around 31 BBY she went to her home world where she took back home her infant Sister after her parents begged her to and brought her to the Jedi temple and would become her Jedi master.
She took part during the battle of Geonosis and as the war started was put in charge of the 327th Star Corps, She would pretend to be Meetra Surik in a play during Nihilus night narrated by Ahsoka Tano.
Unfortunately she would be a victim of Order 66 and was murdered by her troops on Felucia.

She is based on the Canon character of the same name
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