Ahsoka Tano
In many ways, Ahsoka s a bit like Anakin in some respects,
she always wants to try and help people and is quite loyal to her friends and to the Jedi order. She also a master of Jar’kai, a Lightsaber style that focuses on Duel wielding(the use of two blades in combat).
When she was young Ahsoka used to be arrogant, many kids are. However that changed during the clone wars as she matured with age and the horrific incidents of war she seen while going to battle, though it didn’t destroy her humour.
Ahsoka is also the mother of Bizana Tano, which is why a certain ancient Sith lord has been watching over her since birth.
Ahsoka was born on 36 BBY, at infancy she was detected by Darth Cardinal and the Sith lord realised she would be the mother of the Rhandslayer, however he did not take Ahsoka but rather vowed to protect her until she gave birth to the child he been waiting for.
At the age of three she was sensed by the Jedi and sent Plo Koon to pick her up. That signal was intercepted and a slaver tried to take Ahsoka by pretending to be a Jedi, fortunately Plo Koon managed to take her to the Jedi temple instead, saving her life from slavery.
She was raised on Corusaunt and at the age of 11 constructed her first Lightsaber, at this time she would befriend Japhet Sano. At the age of 14 she was assigned to Anakin as a Padawan by the council and even though rejected at first by Anakin eventually was accepted as his Padawan.
She would go battle after battle with her master as the clone wars progressed, building another lime bladed Lightsaber Shoto as she specialised in Jar’kai, she would at some point during the first year war befriend Barrise Offee.
During the first year of the Clone wars she visited Shili after 12 to visit her family with Plo Koon but also ended up fighting a time lost Darth Rivan and managed to kill him(though at best he was extremely weaken from the time trip).
After answering a distress call, Ahsoka, Obi wan, and Skywalker went to Mortis by accident and ended up eventually getting the One’s killed, As well as meet The ancient Sith Lord Darth Cardinal(though after hearing cryptic explanation, they assumed he was a force ghost).
She would also meet Lux Bonteri and briefly have feelings for him, however she would discard the feelings and started a relationship with Japhet instead. She would also help some Younglings in their trial on Ilum.
She got involved within the Kiros incident and had to pretend to be a slave for Anakin but got captured when Anakin did she later escaped with Anakin and went to Kadavo and saved the Kiros people.
She initially hid the fact she was raped from the Jedi order but eventually admitted it after some long questioning from Anakin. She was present on Nihilus knight, telling the story of Meetra Surik to some younglings.
She also investigated the bombing of the Jedi temple where she found out it was caused by Barrise. With the help of Japhet Sano she track down her and managed to to capture her. She got promoted to a Jedi knight but wanted to take a break from fighting so requested to stay on Corusaunt.
Her relationship with Japhet developed over these months as she stays on the capital world of the republic.She got assigned to helping them capture Maul after Anakin and Kenobi was asked to save the chancellor.
She went to Mandalore where she faced Darth Maul, after a long duel he captured him but didn’t get to back to the republic due to Order 66 where she and Rex had to escape the star destroyer they were in.
For a year she stated in hiding, going to Raada as a technician. Eventually she started a rebellion their against the empire, killing the sixth brother(an inquisitor sent to kill him) in the process and used his crystals(which were purified) in his new Lightsabers.
A year after that she went to Locnull where she re-meets her old boyfriend Japhet Sano and moved in to his flat, after a few week Ahsoka and Japhet got married. During this time Ahsoka would see Darth Cardinal but assume he’s a ghost.
Ahsoka would adopted the name Ashla Sano and would have two kids, Bizana Tano Sano(the Rhandslayer) and Karo Tano Sano. She would stay on Locnull until Galen Marek tracked her and convinced her to join the Rebels so she joined with the rest of her family.
She would start training her children in the ways in the force as well as getting involved she with the Ghost crew. She would go to Malachor II where she meet both Darth Maul and Darth Vader, though she escaped Malachor II by the duel of the two Sith lords she was shaken by the fact that Anakin was Darth Vader.
After the galactic civil war ended she joined Luke skywalker new Jedi order ,becoming a Jedi master herself as well as a Jedi council member. She would help her daughter in the Rhand conflict along with many other Jedi.
Eventually she would die 50 years after the battle of Exagol of old age, aged 121.She would be buried on Ossus.
She is based on the Canon character of the same name
Ahsoka seems to be at the higher tier of powerful Jedi, though not as strong as her master(Anakin Skywalker) or her daughter(Bizana Tano), she was powerful enough to kill Darth Riven at the age of 15, though to be fair Darth Rivan was very weaken by the time he was killed.
Ahsoka gave birth to Bizana Tano in 17BBY and Karo Tano Sano in 15BBY.
The main story of Padawan to Knight is more or less a "what if Anakin was framed" while Ahsoka nightmare is (a well hated) "what if Ahsoka was found guilty" scenario.
Also speaking of Padawan to Knight, the most likely suspect for making Ahsoka faint and saving her from trouble would have been Darth Cardinal (unsurprisingly) because he would have enough foresight to do such a feet from all the way from Locnull.
Both she and Galen were specialised in Form V and preferred Jar'kai while holding their blades in a reverse grip.
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