Ashara Zavros


Throughout her life, Ashara Zavros has ket to her morals and the Jedi code, from being a Padawan to being a dark Jedi working for Darth Nox to being a redeemed Jedi working in the Agricultural sector she kept to the Jedi code as much as she could.

She has a special connection to the ghost of Kalatosh Zavros, a Jedi turned Sith lord who lived during the time of Darth Revan, It was this ability why Darth Nox recruited her to his side in the first place, though Ashara didn’t like to call her dead grandpa all the time.

She had once had a relationship with Darth Nox for a while before breaking it once she became a Jedi again.


Ashara Zavros was born to Rolend Zavros and Yanila Zavros around 3600 BBY, when she was young her parents were killed by Sith warriors and was raised by Jedi master Ryen along with her  younger brother Asher Zavros.

She found out at a young age she could contact her ancestor Kalatosh Zavros but Ryen told her not to contact him that much. While her brother became a member of the republic navy Ashara trained to become a Jedi guardian.

When she was 20 she along with the Jedi enclave she lived in at Tanis was taken over by Darth Nox and his loyal companions. Nox killed her Jedi master in front of her and forced her to contact her dead ancestor.

She complied and summoned the spirit of Kalatosh Zavros, Kalatosh was furious at her but Nox absorbed him before he could do anything. The entire experience shaken her so much she fell to the dark side and joined Darth Nox forces.

For a time Ashara Zavros became a dark Jedi for Darth Nox, even briefly having a relationship with him, however she slowly started to dislike her new life and left Nox grope. For the next few years she would be a vigilant and help people when she could.

She was found be Asher Zavros who convinced her to go home back to the Jedi temple, there she plead the Jedi council to let her re-join and after a long debate allowed her back but in the Agricultural corps.

For the rest of her life she worked and protected Dantooine and settled their, marrying and having a family with a local farmer, and would die there.


She is based on the Legends character of the same name


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