Darth Vitiate

Born as Tenebrae, Darth Vitiate is a relic of the past. Living since the time of the original Sith empire Vitiate always wanted true immortality so he went to far lengths to achieve that goal.

Even by Sith standards he's evil, extremely evil. He drained the life of 80 000 Sith competitors and he would do anything to have power, absolutely anything no matter the cost, good thing he died.

O wait, he didn't. He resurrected himself as the eternal emperor Valkorion and had to be killed a second time, good thing he died then for real.


Vitiate was born as Tenebrae around 5000 years before the battle of Yavin on Medriaas, at a young age he conquered his home world which impressed the ruling Marka Ragnos who gave him the Darth title and named him his secret successor.

Darth Vitiate would stay out of the power clash after Marka Ragnos died, and when the great hyperspace war he concluded he gathered as many survivors as he could and went to Dromund Kaas.

Their he drained the lifeforce of 80 000 Sith lords but left the rest of his followers live as they built a new civilisation and as he plotted his revenge, now having the time he needs to do it.

Over the Millennium he would rebuild the original Sith empire as well as having many apprentices and children himself. Then Revan and Malek came but he managed to sway them to the dark side.

When Revan and Malek got powerful enough they killed Vitiate in combat and despite his power was killed and his original body was destroyed, however his spirit didn’t and viewed the Sith empire as a failure, though to make sure it doesn't fall into chaos he spitted his soul into two, with the emperor voice becoming his way of controlling his former empire.

His other half of his spirit went to Zakuul where he saw to shape it’s civilisation to his desires before after 300 years possessed the unborn child and was reborn as the eternal emperor Valkorion, who coexisted at the same time as the emperors voice.

He grew up as the Emperor of Zakuul and made his plan to take over the republic during the Reconstructed Sith empire/republic war. During this time he had three kids Arcann, Thexan, and Valin, at a later date his final vessel for the voice was killed by the Hero of Tython.

Without warning he used his troops, the knights of Zakuul and his droid army to conquer the galaxy quite quickly, however as he ruled for some years the Alliance commander came to his court as a prisoner along with some others.

After the Alliance commander realised that Valkorion was Darth Vitiate he went on the attack, Vitiate also went on the attack as well as they duelled, though Vitiate was winning Arcann betrayed him at the last minute and killed him.

As Valkorion having experience this plot before, he survived within the alliance commanders body for a while, before after reconquering his created empire through the commander, was finally destroyed and purged out of the commander, ending him for good.


The Sith lord Darth Sidious would be compared in power to Darth Vitiate by many Jedi, Including Yoda, and Sidious apprentice Darth Tyranus.

The story of how Vitiate drained the life of 80 000 Sith lords would be overdramatises into saying he drained almost all the life of Nathama, that didn’t happen but was a good story to tell non the less.

The Reconstructed Sith empire would remember him as their first emperor, And were willing to follow his voice, though officially, the head of the dark council was the leader of the empire as a figurehead, such as Darth Marr.


He is based on the legends character of the same name




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