Lightsaber crystals

Lightsaber crystals were crystals able to be used in constructing a Lightsaber. These were gemstones or other crystals that could give special effects to the Lightsaber if used within the blade.

Lightsabers can be powered by many crystals types, these are a list of the most common types of crystals that can power a Lightsaber:

Galid Sapphires were Sapphire-like crystal found on many icy  and swampy worlds, most notably found on Vandor. Used mainly by Bogan-troopers in their Lightsabers they could be identified by the ability to freeze water in tropical climates.

On a Lightsaber it give an energy absorbent blade which can absorbed the power of blaster bolts better then most crystals. They were usually extremely cold to touch.

Impact crystal were unique synthetic crystals made with pure energy, these crystals can cut into many things except Sith armour and can devastate entire armies if it was used in a Lightsaber.

This crystal was invented by Ventus Halas and Darth Vader tried to recreate the crystal but he lost them.

Krayt dragon pearls are pearls made in the gizzard of the Krayt dragon of Tatooine, once polished properly it can make a blade capable of even cutting into Beskar unlike other crystals.

Krayt dragon pearls are also very valuable, in our money the can be worth £500 000.

Kyber crystals can be found  Dantooine, Ilum, Jedha, Lothal, M'haeli, Terrakybos, Mygeeto and Tatooine. They can form a connection with their users and the more connected you are the more light your Lightsaber can feel.

Kyber crystals(especially the Ilum variant) were the standard Crystal used in Jedi Lightsabers as well as some Sith Lightsabers. Kyber crystals can be bleed, turning it into a crimson colour.

Rainbow gems are believed to be a Silicon based lifeform and can be used by Lightsabers, it can connect to people better then Kyber crystals but not as much as Sith Rubies as well as producing a rainbow coloured blade.

Sith rubies were crystals that could be made by any normal stone, they could be only made by the pure power of dark side energies which you use to compress the stone and turn it into a dark red gemstone, hence the name.

Lightsabers powered by Sith rubies have the potential to deactivate other Lightsabers, but this was rare. It's said that a Sith rubies can connect to its maker better than any other crystal used in Lightsabers.

Kohlen crystals produced an orange blade with low energy and can only be found on Pijal's moon. Though they can cut through energy fields they can't cut through almost anything else. Though not used in main Lightsabers since their discovery they were used in training Lightsabers, especially after the fall of the empire and the rise of the new Jedi order.

Synthetic crystals were crystals made artificially by people and weren't naturally produced by natural means. Synthetic-crystals were usually unstable but both Jedi and Sith perfected it for the use of Lightsaber blades.

Synthetic-crystals were used more by Sith then Jedi though they preferred making Sith rubies and Kyber from Terrakybos. Since most methods for making synthetic crystals came from the Sith most Synthetic crystals were crimson.

They were popular in making mass produced Lightsabers since they could make the same sized and shaped crystal.


Other then the crystals talked above many Jedi/Sith used crystals most other people didn't use.  one example would be Bizana Tano, who used a Bronze Onyx gemstone which produced a light brown coloured blade.



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