Barriss Offee

Barriss Offee was once a member of the Jedi order as a Jedi Padawan until she blew up the Jedi temple and was banished by the Jedi for falling to the Dark side of the force and for bombing the temple.

She was also best friend to Ahsoka Tano.


Barriss Offee was born in 40 BBY on a star ship and was taken into the Jedi order as an infant, when she was old enough she was given as the Padawan for Luminara Unduli. She participated during the first battle of Geonosis.

At some point during the clone wars she befriended Ahsoka Tano and became best friends. However she started losing hope for the Jedi temple and along with Letta Turmond blew up the Jedi temple and she left with a red Lightsaber instead her blue one.

She was founded out and she tried to escape Coruscant, however she was captured by her former best friend and was sent to prison. When the empire rose she escaped and lay low for some years but was hunted down by Ashla and was killed.


She’s based on the Canon character of the same name



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