Bastila Shan

A famous Jedi, Bastila is famous in capturing the dark lord of the Sith Darth Revan, One of few Jedi with Battle Meditation she helped the republic win many battles using this rare Jedi ability.

However she far from perfect, She arrogant and thinks she better then most people, this is so extreme that many people that know her don't understand why she isn't a Sith Lady then a Jedi knight.

Mabey that's why for a time she fell to the dark side, but she redeemed herself, so forget that.


Bastila Shan was born in 3978 BBY and was given to the Jedi order as a Child, her original master was killed during a  siege from the Sith but One Sith lord allowed her to escape, wonder who that can be.

She was a late teenager when she started helping the republic with her battle meditation and the tide of war was turned on the Sith for the time being. Her height of success came when she captured Darth Revan at the battle of Tanis.

She helped in Retraining Revan and accompanied him along with friends to find the Star forge so they could destroy it. Over this quest she started falling in love with Revan but kept it to herself.

She was captured by Darth Malek and was tortured to the dark side and became his second apprentice. However during the siege of the Star forge Revan managed to turn her back to the light and helped with the space station.

She got married to Revan and had a son called Vaner, and died of old age.


She’s based on the Legends character of the same name



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