Darth Marr

Darth Marr is the mysterious leader of the reconstructed Sith empire, about nothing is known of this figure except that he was a human and very cruel, to his opponents. He quite democratises for a Sith and is willing to have a truce.

He also really powerful, gaining his title at a young age(for a Sith)


Not much is known about Marr except he became a member of the Dark council at a young age(early 20s) and became dark lord of the Sith by 30 years of age. When the time was right he started the conquest of the Republic as ordered by the emperors voice.

His efforts paid off by the time of the sacking of Corusaunt where half of the known galaxy was given to the Sith empire and he was a Hero to most Sith. He killed Darth Malgus at some point to stop him making his own empire.

Through out the cold war he built up his army for the inevitable next war, when it happened he was ready for the republic as they fought again. But then the Eternal empire came and conquered both galactic superpowers.

He went to Zakuul to try and kill the eternal emperor Valkorion(after relising how evil his former leader was) but he was killed and unlike most Sith became one with the force, but not before learning Valkorion was the Sith emperor.


He’s based on the legends character of the same name

To make clear, Marr was only the face of the empire and it's military leader, while the true emperor voice was the true leader.



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