Deaan Secura

The younger sister of more famous Aayla Secura, Deaan Secura was one of few Jedi to survive order 66 and she became a bounty hunter and later a member of the rebel alliance, finally she became a Jedi master in the New Jedi order.

Deaan is believed to be the one to teach Luke skywalker in Lightsaber combat. In her limited time as a Jedi she was one of the best students in her class as being a duellist, which she enhanced with other swordery traditions she learned.

She also knows how to use a blaster, though she prefers her blade over blaster fire.


Deaan Secura was born in 31 BBY on Ryloth and was taken to the Corusaunt temple by her older sister Aayla Secura where she became her Padawan. She was one of the few Jedi to survive order 66 and went into hiding.

She became a bounty hunter for years until she joined the Rebel alliance, when Luke Skywalker joined she became a mentor of sorts in Lightsaber combat and taught him how to use one. At some point during the end of the galactic civil war she met Yoda again on Dagobah with Luke.

When the New Jedi order rose she became a Jedi master, she would be killed during the Rhand conflict during the siege of Rhand.



Being an OC, Deaan Secura doesn’t have a legends or Canon counterpart.



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