Rey Palpatine


Once a normal scavenger on Jakku, Rey is quickly becoming a powerful Jedi, In a year she became such a powerful Jedi knight she even got the scorn and interest of Kylo Ren, a powerful dark Jedi who lived at the time.

Rey has family problems, she was raised as a orphan and barely knows about her family heritage, much of her time as a Jedi knight also consists of finding out who she is, it’s so mysterious for a long time she didn’t have a surname to identify herself with.

Good job telling her that she the granddaughter of Dark lord of the Sith Darth Sidious.


Rey Palpatine was born on an unknown planet to the son of Palpatine and his wife, however she was dropped of on Jakku and was raised their while her parents were killed later on. She would become a scavenger and sell it to traders.

When she was 19 she got involved in the resistance/First order war by finding BB8, during this time she found Anakin skywalker Lightsaber and was captured by Kylo Ren but she escaped and helped in destroying Starkiller base.

After the incident she and her friends were seek out be Olivia Nass, who brought her and Finn to Ossus. She formerly started training under Luke himself and built a yellow Lightsaber to use instead of Anakin’s one.

Over the year she progressed and became a Jedi knight very quickly, the first for the Jedi order. At some point she helped Kylo kill Snoke, but she escaped his clutches after the battle. She became concerned for the return of Darth Krayt so she set out with her allies to find Exagol.

She found a Sith way finder(as well she the granddaughter of Sidious) and led the resistance and the republic army to Exagol with alliance from the first order. During the battle of Exagol she battled Darth Krayt with a redeemed Kylo Ren, Ren died(but not before learning of his feelings for her) but she survived and killed Darth Krayt.

She would die of old age and be cremated on Ossus.


She’s based on the Canon character of the same name



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