Shakvi Renlow

Usually most pirates attack the republic and rob other worlds, on the other hand Shakvi Renlow is the opposite.He raids syndicate and other pirates and space Mafias for the republic and return stolen goods to them.

Shakvi Renlow and his companions were once slaves until they escaped from slavery and started their life of crime. His hatred of slavery goes far as to try and free as many slaves as possible as well as killing slavers. 

 He also the father’s of  Jedi Padawan Vassh Ti.


Skahvi Renlow would be born on Zygerria  in 57 BBY, He was raised as a slave but he managed to escape with some of his friends with a ship and become pirates that raved the outer rim’s syndicates and shady Mafia, earning respect from the republic.

At some point he was assigned with Jedi Knight Shaak Ti to stop a crime syndicate making an illegal new drug. He grew very close with Ti but would part ways at the end of the mission knowing he can’t be with her.

He later found out he had a child with Shaak Ti and try to visit her over the next 12 years however he was stopped by the Temple guards. However after Nihilus night two years into the clone wars he got the chance to catch up with Shaak Ti and meet his daughter.

During Order 66 he tried visiting the temple but was stopped by Vassh Ti who explained what was happening their and he took over to car for his daughter. When the empire rose he started raiding imperial bases as well as his usually syndicate raiding.

Unfortunately he would be killed by imperial forces but not before seeing his daughter get married to Ener Doul.


He’s based on the Legend character of the same name



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