
One of the wisest and most powerful Jedi the order ever had, Yoda was the Jedi Grandmaster of the Jedi order during the ending days of the republic, and has been for a long time.

Being living so long Yoda is one of few Jedi who hasn't have the desire for the dark side, he has no use for it so the dark side never appeals for him. This is why many Jedi saw him as a role model.

Nobody knows his species, almost nobody.


Yoda was born in 896 BBY and Initially wanted to be a merchant, however he was taken in as a Jedi by the age of 70 along with a friend and was training his own Padawan by the time he was 100 years old.

By 600 BBY he was the Jedi grandmaster, During the ending days of the republic he took Dooku as his Padawan and saw him become a Jedi master. He initially disagreed in Indoctrinating Anakin into the Jedi order but eventually accepted him in.

He took the clones 10 years later to the battle of Geonosis and battled his former apprentice Count Dooku but his apprentice escaped. A day after Nihilus night he recognised the phantom-like spirit caught on tape was Darth Cardinal.

He survived Order 66 and went to fight Sidious after turning off the beacon in the Jedi temple. He lost the battle and had to go in exile but not before separating the Skywalker twins to hide them from Vader.

When Luke came to him 22 years later he Initially refused to(for a different reason)But did allow his training though. He was visited again by Luke who reintroduced him to Deaan Secura, He would die on Dagobah of old age but become a force ghost.


He’s based on the Canon character of the same name



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