Yooza Zoist

It’s unknown who was Yooza Ziost, it’s a mystery if he ever existed, however according to legend he once battled Darth Cardinal, lost, and was burned to death by the sheer force of his Sith lightning, poor Yooza.

He also wielded a curved handled Lightsaber.


Yooza Ziost was presumed born during the ending years of the New Sith wars and became a Sith lord. He once apparently captured Darth Yun but Darth Cardinal rescued her, He battled Cardinal but lost and when he tried to restart the fight he was zapped to death by the Darth Cardinal’s Sith lightning.


Being an OC, Yooza Ziost doesn’t have a legends or Canon counterpart.

It's possible that Ziost never died in the actual events, but considering that how corrupted the story had became of him, and to consider that Cardinal is still a ruthless Sith lord, the story could be more truthful then you hear.



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