A test with brutal honesty
Summery: Usually Anakin chills when off duty, but not this time. he's been having visions of terrible things happening to his loved ones recently, but he's not to sure why, he can't shake the mind of Anakin went to bed later that day and dreamt he was in a training room, battling a twisted version of Ahsoka who mocks him for killing when he’s angry and reminded him what he did to those Tusken raiders 2 years ago, enraged he pushed her into a window and leaped to fight her but instead found himself in a desert and meet aa man called Cardinal. They roamed the desert until going into a tomb which Cardinal presented as the tomb of Darth Bane before teaching the Jedi knight booth the Sith chosen one prophecy and his Chosen two prophecy with examples. Anakin brought up that he wanted to know why he's having these nightmare, Cardinal responds by showing him various future, and ad infinite of futures, however Anakin couldn't tell which one was true, for he saw all pos...