Nihilus night


Usually the Jedi would be participating in the clone wars, but today instead of that they celebrate the republic holiday of Nihilus night, Anakin went to see Padme while Ahsoka narrated the story of Nihilus night while being played by Kit Fisto and Aayla Secura, finally Deran Nalual and Codi ty research the library for info about Nihilus night.

In the halls Shaak Ti and Vassh Ti are hanging decorations when Vassh asked about her father. Shaak Ti explained her father was a pirate that she went on a mission with 12 years ago. Vassh Ti asked if she loved her dad which Shaak Ti said that attachments are forbidden but that shouldn’t stop us being good people.

Meanwhile Darth Sidious talks to Dooku, who propose to attack the republic during their weakness, Sidious refuses since It was Nihilus night and it would be an Insult to Darth Nihilus if we disrespect his day with fighting.

As everybody started going to bed for the night Cardinal prepares to enter the dreams of Jedi and reassures Yun he will be safe. Skahvi Renlow tried to visit the Jedi temple for the 24th time since Vassh Ti birth to visit her but was stopped by Jedi temple guards. He went back to his ship but promised he would try tomorrow to see them.

In the temple Shaak Ti falls asleep and dreams about when she first met Renlow, she tried to follow him through the halls but ended up in a void where she encountered the sight of Darth Cardinal the knowledgeable, who ask her if she okey.

She said she was fine but Cardinal asked the question again, he then showed a memory from earlier today and Shaak Ti explained that for as long as Vassh was alive she asked about her father who never came and she admits that she sometimes regretted the pregnancy which almost ruined her life.

Cardinal disagrees and shows her what happened earlier today which made Shaak Ti fell sad that Renlow tried to visit them for 12 years and she didn’t know. But she did point out she can’t have a relationship but Cardinal said that wasn’t what the rule against it was for and explain a time when Jedi could marry and gave examples of modern day Jedi in relationships.

Shaak Ti felt better for herself and when asked what she will do next she decided to try and meet Renlow this time. Before Cardinal left she asked what was the Sith view on marriage which Cardinal said they view as weakness.

Shaak Ti woke up and waked up her daughter and went out of the temple where Renlow tried to visit again, she told the guards to, leave before hugging Renlow and apologising for not meeting him, she introduced him to Vassh Ti before they all went for a walk.

Back at the temple a few Jedi were talking about their strange dreams, all including Cardinal and all giving a positive message to live by. Then Deran and Codi came and showed them footage off a phantom-like spirit. Yoda then came and then deduced it was the spirit of Darth Cardinal.

As Shaak Ti walked with Vassh and Renlow she flashes back to before Vassh was born: She was standing before the council who found out about her pregnancy, after some questioning she relieved she not being banished but would be raising the child as her Padawan.


Mace Windu point a view on Shaak Ti pregnancy is quite out of character for him, usually he's the stricter person.

Also Nihilus night is more important for Sith then to the republic because unlike the galactic republic they celebrate the legacy of Darth Nihilus rather than celebrate his defeat.

Nihilus night is an insertion of Halloween in SWEOS, though diffract.


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