Darth Nudd

The last Sith lord to claim the Darth title during the new Sith wars before Darth Bane was given his title by Cardinal. For a long time, Darth Nudd was a well feared Sith lord who many considered irredeemable and couldn’t change.

However something did change Nudd, well enough that he abandoned his ways to raise a family and end his days peacefully, this happened because he fell in love with a Jedi knight who made him see the error of his ways, now a peaceful elder on Shilli, nobody suspects his past.

It’s a coincidence that his granddaughter would become Darth Yun


Darth Nudd was born during the new Sith wars well before the formation of the brotherhood of darkness, when he became a Sith lord he slowly became a menace to the galaxy indirectly, as he tried to conquer the criminal underworld.

He was so terrible that most people thought nobody could change him. However he soon fell in love with a Jedi sent to destroy him as she infiltrated his syndicate front. Eventually he renounced his ways of the Sith and married the Jedi before retiring on Shilli.

He would become a grandfather eventually, and died some time after the new Sith wars, however before this he met his granddaughter, Darth Yun, and her husband, Darth Cardinal before they went into hiding.


Being an OC, Darth Nudd has no canon or legends counterpart

After death, Darth Nudd left his Sabercane up to his Granddaughter Darth Yun in his last will because he believed she was worthy of inheriting his weapon, as His other two Grandchildren would either not appreciate  it or lock it away at the Jedi temple.



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