
Ever since the great hyperspace war, the Sith Purebloods have been very rare in the galaxy, with some populations of small villages living on Locnull, Tund and few other worlds. Few would expect a Pureblood to become a Jedi, however Taral is the exception.

If records have it, as an infant he was left at the Jedi temple and was taken in, though it was some time until even himself realised he was a Sith pureblood, non the less he was treated equally with his compatriots and became a compassionate Jedi master.

He is one of the few Jedi at his time to know and master the force ability Electric judgement, which he’s most known for.


Taral was born around 46 BBY, as an infant he was left by his family for unknown reasons at the Jedi temple and would be raised as a Padawan, though when he was 10 he found out himself that he was a Sith pureblood, he didn’t care that much and around 17 became a Jedi knight.

As a Jedi knight he when through a trial so he could learn Electric judgement on the council permission and perfected the technique. He became aa Jedi master weeks before the battle of Geonosis, after the battle of Geonosis he wore one of the fallen clone trooper helmet to commemorate those who died in wars and aren’t remembered.

He was involved in helping Ahsoka finding Barrise after she found out she was behind the Jedi temple bombing, and electrocuted her with Electric Judgement to subdue the newly traitorous dark Jedi.

Since he was off world at the time he survived Order 66. During the age of the empire he would join the rebel alliance and train some Padawan's of his own, which included the ex-Dark Jedi Xaria after an confutation with her. 

He and Ahsoka family(but not Ahsoka) would go to Mustafar to get vital Info on the empire from Vader's castle while Bizana retrieved Her Mother's Lightsaber from the Planet. He would re-join the new Jedi order and die 300 years later.



Taral is slightly based on Praven, who is also a Jedi Sith pureblood

The word "Taral" means Protector in the Sith language, befitting of a Jedi of dark origins.

Taral's Lightsabers is actually a Splitsaber, so he can duel with two blades or as one double bladed Lightsaber.

Taral hated the senate influence on the Jedi order, and was known to question or even against the senate command if knew it wasn't right.

Taral also had two smaller yellow bladed Lightsaber he kept hidden in case of emergency, and when he was training younglings.

Taral also possessed his Jedi master's forge mask and his Double-bladed Lightsaber(green) after his master died.


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