Darth Tanis

An ancient and obscure Sith Lady/ Sorceress, Darth Tanis was the last Dark lord to fight the Jedi during revan’s time. Though only a leader of a small grope of Sith, Darth Tanis actually did a lot during her time, including repairing the temple on Malachor II. As a Sith sorceress, Darth Tanis was very skilled in Sith Sorcery, skilled enough to rival even her ancestors of the original Sith empire, However her sorcery was very similar to what would be practiced later by the Nightsister, as many Jedi and Sith pointed out. Secretly she was also the biological child of Marth Octavius, Which made her the Niece of Darth Cardinal, as Marth Octavius was His cousin. History: Darth Tanis was born on Korriban during the late Jedi civil war to an unnamed mother, after the dark wars she slowly used the Knowledge of a now abandoned Sith Academy on Korriban as well as knowledge from her own tribe and took the mantle as Dark lady of the Sith without being trained. Before becoming active thoug...