Galen Marek

Ahsoka may have been the first apprentice of Anakin Skywalker/ Darth Vader, and though the Togruta was the only Jedi apprentice of him. During the age of the Empire Vader had another and he was codename as Lord Starkiller.

A man once called Galen Marek, Lord Starkiller for a while served the empire and Vader in secret, pretending to be an Inquisitor. But then he betrayed the empire and helped the formation of the rebel alliance before he died.

It seems that the Dark side has never really corrupted him.


Galen Marek was born in 28 BBY, when he was 7 years old he was taken by Darth Vader after showing his potential to him and for the next ten years he trained under him as a secret Sith apprentice and Inquisitor as Lord Starkiller.

As an Inquisitor he went to Felucia and managed to kill the Jedi Master Shaak Ti, but before she died the warning she gave made him question his loyalty. Soon enough he was betrayed by Darth Vader as the orders of Darth Sidious.

He soon joined a rebel cell and helped many cells join together to form the rebel alliance as a unified rebellion against the empire. Around 4 BBY he recruited Ahsoka to the Rebel alliance after tracking her down and convincing her to join.

However he would die after boarding the first Death star to confront Darth Vader and Sidious.


He’s based on the Legends character of the same name

His armour design, is apparently the result of choosing the dark side option in the force unleashed games where Palpatine replaced him as his top enforcer, however since I never played it, don't credit me for this.

This version of the character wields twin pair of red Lightsabers(later blue) and one Black bladed Lightsaber(which was his most prised weapon).

Both he and Ahsoka were specialised in Form V and preferred Jar'kai while holding their blades in a reverse grip.



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