
The true apprentice of Darth Nox(though he wasn’t the only one he trained concurrently), Xalek was a proud and dangerous warrior. A vicious being, Xalek is completely loyal to his master, yet he was powerful enough to catch his eyes on him in the first place.

He has some Sadism, because some theorise that the casing on his Double-bladed Lightsaber were made out of the femur of a fellow Twi’lek Sith initiate he competed against, However this is unknown as his resting place hasn’t been found, only known to be near to Nox tomb.

Speaking about his Lightsaber, it had crystals that were quite rare for a Lightsaber.


Xalek was probably born some time before 3600 BBY, In his youth he was a warrior, however the reigning Sith captured him and he would have become a slave if he wasn’t founded to be force sensitive and was taken to a Sith academy.

Their he caught the eye of the Sith lord Darth Nox, especially after he murdered a fellow Twi’lek initiate In front of him and took him as an apprentice against the overseers wishes. Allegedly he would use the femur of this Twi’lek to make his Lightsaber.

Over the years he would train with his master, and would die of unknown reason, and be buried in an undisclosed location.


He’s based on the Legends character of the same name.

It’s unknown what bones Xalek used to decorate his Double-bladed Lightsaber, while many believe it to be a Twi’lek femur, it could be the bones of any living creature, even could be a beast he slayed prior, but if it is a Twi’lek femur, then that’s, savage by Sith standards.



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