Darth Atrius

There are many secrets that Darth Cardinal have, many people who know of Cardinal know that he taught Darth Yun, and some may know that his first apprentice was Darth Shaa. But almost nobody know that he trained an apprentice in between those two Sith while imprisoned, and his name was Darth Atrius.

Living during the time of the great galactic war, Darth Atrius was mysterious on his own. Many didn’t know what was his deal was, he was rarely seen, and many who met him learned to fear him. Even Dark councillors and Jedi masters feared him.

He also wielded two red  Crossguard Lightsabers, which could send weak users into a fit of uncontrollable rage.


Darth Atrius was born a little while before the great galactic war and was raised in an orphanage, uncommon for his people he was quite aggressive, During the great galactic war he was captured by the Sith but was sent to become a Sith acolyte instead of slavery.

At the academy on Korriban, he went through a hard time there, however on one trial he was going to be killed by a wild animal during a trial when Cardinal( still in stasis) used the force to save him, and got him to become his apprentice, though he would pretend he didn’t have one.

He passed his trials and pretended to be loyal to the Sith master he was assigned to(while he trained with his true master telepathically) and it was around this time he made his Crossguard Lightsabers. he eventually left his false master and went rogue, finally revealing his true title as Darth Atrius.

He built up a grope of allies (and some acolytes under cardinal begrudgingly approval) and even got a lover(who was also an Acolyte) and had a family with her.He would died at some point and was buried on an undisclosed planet.


He’s based on Canon character of the same name



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