The Akul parable


It’s been around almost a month since Darth Yun became the apprentice of the Sith Lord Darth Cardinal, and so far, it’s been fine. Yun’s master is cold but he’s not that bad, However it’s been hard in adapting to her new Situation, she dose miss her family.

As of now, She was doing practice with one of her masters weapons, which was called a Lightsaber. He tasked her to use the blade to make sure that no drop of water falls on her as she sits under a waterfall. She has improved, however she still has a long way to go.

From a distance, Darth Cardinal watches his latest apprentice from afar. Her progression was quite good for somebody just introduced to the force, and a Lightsaber. He wasn’t the first Apprentice he had, haven trained Darth Shaa(in person) and Darth Atrius(from his prison).

Cardinal went up to Yun and told her to take a break as he went out to explore the nearby area but told her to stay near the ship, Yun accepted and went back to the ship. As Cardinal went down a natural pathway he came across a party of Jedi and Sith, both around 20 members in size.

Both gropes turned to face Cardinal, he could tell that originally they were going to duel each other, However he sees that they’re both teaming up to end him instead, and he would defend himself as he ignites his Red and Blue blades and charged at his foes.

Meanwhile, Darth Yun was relaxing near the waterfall, she thinks of the beauty of the planet as she looks at her masters backup Pink-bladed Lightsaber. Then She heard some steps and turned to see her Sister, Ushara with another Jedi.

She  was going to greet her younger Jedi sister when she attacked her, for no reason whatsoever. She barely caught the blade as she got into her first Lightsaber duel. Yun asked why she would attack her Sister, which Ushara said she will end her, as she guessed that she was Cardinal apprentice.

Her other Jedi friend(Tyra) tried to reason with her, but she didn’t listen. Yun couldn’t understand why her kin would kill her. When she asked Ushara claimed that she was working for an evil person, and to save the galaxy she needed to end the both of them.

Tyra still tried to reason with her, as even if she was the apprentice of Cardinal she wasn’t evil and killing her was wrong in every level. Before Ushara got the chance to strike her own Sister down, Cardinal arrived and chased both Jedi after pulling them away from Yun with the force.

Cardinal checked if Yun was ok and she said she was okey, However she is crushed that her own Kin would kill her. Darth Yun also told him that Ushara claimed that the Sith were evil, but she wants to know if her words were true, or justifications for killing her.

Darth Cardinal explained that Ushara called him and her evil because in her point of view, she believes the Sith were Evil. Cardinal explained to Yun that their no such thing as a good side and a bad side, everybody views their enemies as evil.

Cardinal then told her a parable: A Hungry Akul mother was roaming the plains with her cubs looking for food to feed them, however she was killed by a grope of Togruta for her teeth, and her cubs starve to death or are eaten. The Justification for this is that the Akul would kill their family members if not killed first.

Yun understood the parable and promised herself she would prove her sister wrong. Cardinal told her that they needed to move somewhere else, or they will be disturbed again, before they left in their ship to another part of the planet.

Meanwhile, Tyra scolds Ushara for trying to kill her sister, despite being now a Sith apprentice. Before she could react, both of them saw a pile of dead bodies every ware, all sliced up into pieces. They saw a young Padawan and Sith apprentice huddling nearby, and when asked, stated that Darth Cardinal killed them all by himself, but let them live for some reason.

Ushara tried to use this for justification for her actions, but Tyra still scolds her for her ill thinking. Tyra offered to take them with them back home, and the Sith apprentice begged her to take him with them and swap sides, as he doesn’t want to face the wrath of Lord Kaan, which Tyra agrees to.


Wow, assuming that none of the two gropes tried to kill each other prior, or backstabbed each other during the duel, then Darth Cardinal DEFEATED 40 force users in one fight, as well as KILL 38 of them, leaving only one member of each grope alive, as he usually dose.

It was originally going to be called "Siblings of conflict" but it was changed to "The Akul parable" for a better title.

The actual Parable that Darth Cardinal gives Yun dose have a good meaning, the morale of the parable is of that just because something is evil doesn’t mean it is, it’s especially true against the context of think all your enemies are evil, which most usually aren’t.



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