Stuck in a sap block


He has failed, Yoda has failed to stop the Sith rise to power and failed before he was even born. He has failed his Jedi breathing, and consequences has spent nearly four years hiding in a swamp. Just because of his arrogance and hubris, millions of people die daily, most of them innocent civilians.

It was night, and Yoda was going to bed, as he fell into a deep sleep, all the death he felt during order 66 come back to him, as somewhere in the galaxy, a Jedi died, whoever killed him/her, he can’t say, but they died of great pain.

He woke up to find himself in a dark hallway, filled to the brim with hundreds of Jedi, many that he knew, many he doesn’t. All of them were frozen in expression within blocks of sap used to stop the influence of dark side objects. As he walks down the halls he saw a Youngling frozen, that made his gut fell sick.

Suddenly, he spotted hundreds of Jedi Zombies came running to him, and Yoda started fleeing the scene, even for all of his power, the sight of his fallen comrades made him flee the scene. He felt like he was running for complete centuries when he finally hands to jump of a ledge.

He fell into what looked like a cinema hall, with next to him the Lord of Nightmares himself next to him, What dose he wants to do with him. He realised a long time ago that messing with Jedis dreams, to help them or to torture them, or both, is all just entertainment for this ancient entity, living or dead.

Yoda asked why he was bothering him, Cardinal said he was seeing how Yoda was suffering as Yoda realised they were watching a blacked calved figure killed a young padawan, he could guess it was skywalker. Yoda told Cardinal he already knows that the jedi hubris and arrogance has lead to their downfall, but cardinal wasn’t here for that only.

Cardinal asked how could the republic ever turn on the Jedi, as they were friends right? Yoda knew that he was being sarcastic, but he didn’t know where he was going with this. The ancient tall figure explained that their failure was putting themselves under the control of the Republic, which was exploited by the Banites.

Before Yoda could speak, Cardinal remarks that the Jedi are meant to be allies of the republic, not their slaves, and that they have been corrupted their minds as they became hypocrites to their own values, Yoda knew this for a long time, but the way Cardinal said it made it sound even worse, perhaps he was only hear to make fun of him, yes it makes sense.

Cardinal notes that this was shown at full force at one point, if he didn’t intervened to save a “tool” he was protecting, though he notes this was from experience, though he deduces this from experience, Yoda didn’t understand who was this “tool” was and was concerned about who he/she was.

Cardinal explained that this “tool” doesn’t know what she even did for him, and he likes it that way. Yoda asked what was her purpose, Cardinal explained his ancestor Locphet Rhandslayer prophecy, and that he protected her only so her child would one day be born, which she was.,

From what Yoda was told, he figured our that Ahsoka was the Tool he was referring to, at the same time, cardinal showed him a burned Togruta corps, fuelled of blaster wounds and was hung. Cardinal explained if he didn’t intervene to save his tool(so she could give birth to the Rhandslayer), The Jedi council would have sent her of to her gruesome demise.

Yoda didn’t understand, cardinal furthered explained that the child would have been framed for the Jedi temple attack, and would been given up to the republic just to restore their image, and would fail, all the while displeasing the force, even if the Rhandslayer prophecy was false.

Yoda understood it now, looking back, it would have made sense of them to do this to her, and for a Sith lord, cardinal was again right. Yoda got curious of who this Rhandslayer was, and cardinal showed him who this Rhandslayer was as Yoda saw a much older Ahsoka playing with her two year old Daughter, and it seems a second child was on the way by the looks of it.

Cardinal asked if he had other questions before he wakes up, Yoda asked two: Why dose he try and help the Jedi so much via dreams, and what if his intervention didn’t go to plan. Cardinal answered the first question by telling the obvious: He didn’t give a dame to the Jedi, but enjoyed messing with their minds, especially with educating them to be better then who they are.

The second question answer was that, if all else failed(if it went with her being close to being killed), cardinal would have possessed her to save herself, and wouldn’t had let go of his hold until he knew she won’t be killed. As he finished his sentence, Yoda was founded out of his chair and into a platform.

He stood up to see Ahsoka in a dark red cloak, possibly to show the last resort plan the dream Sith talked about. He saw as the young knight ripped a blackhole to shreds, rechannelling the energy and fired it on a giant fleet, the flash of crimson so bright that Yoda fainted in the dream, waking up into the real world.


Originally, the dream of Yoda would have started with hung Jedi all around him, but this was changed after the release of Obi wan Kenobi Part IV, to the tombs the Jedi corpse were held in the show.

The events of this story must have happened during 15 BBY, as Bizana is 2 years old and it’s clear that Karo would be born very soon.

If what seen in the dream is true, cardinal may have the power to rip black holes to shreds, something that shouldn’t be possible, but I suppose that shows how powerful he is.

It may seem out of character of cardinal to call someone(Ahsoka) a tool, However remember he is still Sith, so it’s not far from his moral compass to call somebody useful to him as a tool.



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