
One of the few Jedi to be of Sith pureblood, Master T'un was a Jedi councillor who at one point in his few centuries of life, held a seat on the Jedi council. Unlike the Jedi of his era, he believed in the old Jedi code, and his views would become incorporated when the new Jedi order arose.

He also believed that the force powers aren't inherently light or dark sided in origin, which meant he didn't have the same problem of practising certain dark side abilities himself.


Born around 743 BBY on Korriban as a tribe member of Nin-Khēmia, T'un spent his first 7 years of life on his home world, learning how to wield force lightning and forge certain items, he was founded by the Jedi, and somehow got indoctrinated into the Jedi Order.

Over time he became a Jedi master, and had many apprentices of his own. Around the days leading up to the start of the High republic era he had a seat within the Jedi council itself, before he resigned, all the while forming his own philosophy from studying the ancient Jedi code.

At some point he constructed a Holocron containing his philosophy and hid it from his fellow masters. Near the end of his life he took on Taral as his last apprentice, raising him to become a Jedi master himself, before he passed away a month after the battle of Geonosis.


He's named after the Legends character of the same name



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