Tegan Dean

Within the republic armies during their war against the reconstituted Sith empire, Tegan Dean stood out as being the only Sith Pureblood trooper amongst them, raised in an orphanage within republic space. Their no disbelief that She's loyal to the republic, and is a well respected commander despite her heritage.

Tegan herself is disgusted of her ancestors bloody history, and once out of military practise helped others of her kind who share her views rebuild as a better society for her species, evolving past what she sees as barbarianism.

She's also the mother of  Nori Dean.


Tegan Dean was born just before the Galactic Republic-Reconstituted Sith empire war. Born as non force sensitive, Her family gave her up to adoption, sending her to an republic orphanage where she grew up, She was a cadet for the republic military when the Galactic Republic-Reconstituted Sith empire war started.

Despite being a Sith Pureblood, she rose through the ranks of the republic Military, becoming a sergeant. She had a hybrid daughter she named Nori Dean from dating an Mirialan soldier, and gave it to the Jedi order after founding she was strong in the force.

During her wartime career she learned a lot about her past, She ending up in a rivalry with one of her cousins, who tracked her down and imprisoned her on his ship. She revealed her true heritage as the great granddaughter of Darth Nul.

Though she didn't believe it at first, after an investigation of her own, she accepted her cousins words, but stood with the Republic regardless. After the war she started an organisation to rebuild the Sith pureblood Civilisation with Purebloods who want to leave their barbaric history behind, and settled on a colony world with them and other colonists.

She would die of old age, and was buried on the colony world.


Tegan was inspired somewhat from the character Meteor from the Old republic Videogame, who is the customisable protagonist of the trooper storyline, despite not having an canonical species and gender.



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