Dark Underlord

Few know who the Dark Underlord truly is, their are many theories out their, from being a eldritch being summoned from another realm by Sith acolytes to him being Xendor from the great Schism, what is know was he was a terrible plague on the galaxy during his time.

Known for his sheer brutality, the Dark Underlord scourged the galaxy with his Black knights, pillaging and bring total desolation to many he met. It took a brave Jedi master to defeat him(not kill), and to this day he's spirit is believed to persist in some form.

He also likes using Sith swords rather then Lightsabers.


To most of the galaxy, The Dark Underlord appeared around 1800 BBY during the new Sith wars and formed a following of Sith he dubbed the Black Knights, who helped him with his crusades across the galaxy, where he spread much suffering during his conquests.

He was stopped only by the combined force of Jedi, Mandolorian, the republic and even some enemy Sith sects, It's said he body was slain by a single Jedi master(which caused his fall to the dark side), however his spirit lived on in the Dream world.

In truth, he was born as Hax'zul to Darth Nul, one of four Children she had, out of all of her Children, he was the most eldritch(though all of them were immortal eldritch beings). Somepoint during his life he caused a crisis where he tried to absorb Darth Vitiate.

He was defeated by his three siblings(Darth Wrend, Darth Occulus and Darth Mauve) and had his original body destroyed, however he still lived on, not as a force ghost, but as an eldritch spirit who communicated with the galaxy through the Dreams of others.

He eventually got some Sith cultist to create a new body for him to inhabit, and did the things the galaxy knows about. After his defeat he continued to manipulate beings to do his bidding, though he hasn't recreated a new body yet.


He's based on Legends Dark Underlord

It's possible that Darth Cardinal is Hax'zul father, though how it explains his and his siblings Eldritchness is yet to be decided.



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