Secrets of Halais


Halais, home world of the Halaisi species, in the ending days of the New Sith wars, Halais was one of the few neutral planets who managed to come out of this 1000 year war prosperous, having good terms with both the Republic and the Sith empires.

Darth Cardinal and Darth Yun were stopping on the planet, taking a rest as they wandered the galaxy. They were having lunch at an Halaisi restaurant, where Cardinal noticed a strange force signature on the planet, one of a place on the world.

Yun was quite interested on the planet she was on, though she couldn’t outright act out on it at the time. She noticed that her Sith master was a bit off than usual, and when she asked Cardinal informed her that he was in deep thought.

Yun was watching one of the restaurants monitors as they ate, haven grown up in a rural part of Shili, she only been introduced to a Monitor around 3 months ago. It was showing a News broadcast of some Archaeological dig of sorts.

Darth Cardinal started watching the newsfeed. Which entailed how the ruins are one of the earliest of Halaisi civilisation, dating back to a time before the republic. The force was telling him that he needed to go to this place, but why is unknown.

The Sith lord paid his meal costs and went outside, though he sensed a few places of Darkness on the world, Halaisi was a world of Ashla, and one of the few where the majority of it’s people were force sensitive, though usually he would go and settle down on his ship, Cardinal was curious about the dig site as he and his apprentice went there.

Meanwhile at the dig site, Ushara Renlow and Tyra Salana were exploring the site themselves, sent by the Jedi council to understand what it is. Ushara was a bit annoyed that they weren’t fighting any of the Sith but was genuinely interested in what they were sent to study.

As Tyra talked to the main Archaeologists, Ushara went around and started asking random people about what they know about the site. She ended up getting the most interested about the comment of one digger, who mentioned that this site could contribute to the colonist Theory.

After asking to know what he meant, the Halaisi Archaeologist explained that most of Halaisi legends tell of how the first Halaisi came to Halais from another world, and over the millennia more and more evidence suggested that they were descendants of colonists, but from where is unknown.

Meanwhile, Darth Cardinal and Darth Yun get to the site, and Cardinal used his force abilities to stop the workers from noticing them going into the sight. As the two Sith lords went deep into the ancient complex, Cardinal felt the same presence he felt a while ago.

As they went deep into the complex, Darth Cardinal started noticing some similarities between the ancient structures and structures he seen before but couldn’t put his finger on it yet. They kept on exploring until they got to what it seems to be a burial section of the place.

It seemed to be a tomb for multiple dead beings, which Cardinal found to be similar to how they buried ancient Sith purebloods back at Korriban, Darth Cardinal noticed some murals on the wall of the burial chamber, which he was somewhat surprised that it was written in Ur-Kittat.

Darth Yun also noticed that the ancient inscriptions were similar to the language that Darth Cardinal was teaching her to read, and asked if Cardinal could read it. Cardinal gave it a try and translated the inscriptions the best he could, as it was an old dialect.

From what Cardinal could make out of it, The Sith Lord concluded that this was a Tyl mages temple. When Yun inquired about who were the Tyl mages, Darth Cardinal went on a history lesion about the ancient group of Sith, who predate even King Adas:

In the ancient past, the Tyl mages were a mysterious, expansionist group of Sith purebloods who could use the force to travel through space-time by creating Force based wormholes, as well as had other known abilities such as simpler teleportation, Levitation, invisibility, and intangibility.

Darth Cardinal also went to explain that, during his time in Revan Sith empire, he explored one of their temples on Korriban, and somewhat knew how their temples worked. Using this knowledge Cardinal found a secret doorway after the Burial chamber.

The Sith lord open the door, which led to a great hallway, empty with only a single crystal in the centre. Darth Cardinal identified this as a meditation chamber, similar to the one on Korriban, the dark lord marvel at the sight of great complex.

Before he could look at it further, he did sense the other archaeologists coming his way, though he could get rid of them easily, he wasn’t in the mood to fight. Yun asked if he knew any of the abilities the Tyl mages knew, which gave him an idea.

He answered his young apprentice question by showing off one ability he did know, which was invisibility, which he used on the pair. Though he still used his mental block ability to get out of the complex unnoticed, he was somewhat amused that the Jedi he noticed was they couldn’t see them, especially the ones who has be “hunting him” as Ushara claims.

At the spaceport, Cardinal boarded his ship along with Yun, who was asking several questions. Cardinal said he would answer her questions later, but for now told her to be seated as they got off the planet, as he left, he only thought one thing…

That’s where the Tyl mages went all those thousands of years ago.


1.Darth Cardinal
2.Darth Yun

1.Ushara Renlow
2.Tyra Salana




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