
Showing posts from June, 2022

Darth Automatos

Another lesser Sith lord under Cardinal command,  you can tell that Darth Automatos was a tech enthusiast. Specialising in force abilities related into the manipulation of electronics, machinery and droids, Automatos isn’t like many Sith, but the Cardinite Sith aren’t usually Sith. He somehow got the knowledge on how to build a Spinning double bladed Lightsaber, though he used his purple bladed weapon as a standard Lightsaber, using its Double-bladed mode when needed and it’s spinning feature for intimidation, defence, and escape. He gets along with Darth Glaucous very well. History: Darth Automatos was born in 43 BBY and was adopted by Darth Cardinal and Darth Yun(as he was an orphan) at infancy. As he grew up he became fascinated in Droids and technology, becoming specialised in force powers related to manipulating technology. At some point he built a purple Spinning double-bladed Lightsaber, He would find and ancient Rakatan super factory (space station)  deep in ...

Stuck in a sap block

Summery: He has failed, Yoda has failed to stop the Sith rise to power and failed before he was even born. He has failed his Jedi breathing, and consequences has spent nearly four years hiding in a swamp. Just because of his arrogance and hubris, millions of people die daily, most of them innocent civilians. It was night, and Yoda was going to bed, as he fell into a deep sleep, all the death he felt during order 66 come back to him, as somewhere in the galaxy, a Jedi died, whoever killed him/her, he can’t say, but they died of great pain. He woke up to find himself in a dark hallway, filled to the brim with hundreds of Jedi, many that he knew, many he doesn’t. All of them were frozen in expression within blocks of sap used to stop the influence of dark side objects. As he walks down the halls he saw a Youngling frozen, that made his gut fell sick. Suddenly, he spotted hundreds of Jedi Zombies came running to him, and Yoda started fleeing the scene, even for all of his power, th...


During the ancient days of the original Sith empire, Felkor could be compared to the emperor’s wrath of the reconstituted Sith empire. A Sith warrior dead loyal to Darth Kufos, Felkor position was to quell lesser threats to the Sith empire internally and was feared for that. He also had a unique Lightsaber, with a strange Lightsaber crystal to add to this. History: Felkor was born around 5700 BBY and grew up as a Sith warrior, During his early adulthood he caught the attention of Darth Kufos, who made him his enforcer against lesser threats against the empire he ruled. during his time as his enforcer he built his unique Lightsaber. Felkor built up a reputation within the higher ups of Sith society, and many conspired to kill him, which lead to many of their own deaths(unless Kufos denied him that), which even included an ex-member of the dark council who was be dreaded by him. He would die during the age of Marka Ragnos and would be buried on Ziost. Notes: He’s named afte...


One of the few Jedi to be of Sith pureblood, Master T'un was a Jedi councillor who at one point in his few centuries of life, held a seat on the Jedi council. Unlike the Jedi of his era, he believed in the old Jedi code, and his views would become incorporated when the new Jedi order arose. He also believed that the force powers aren't inherently light or dark sided in origin, which meant he didn't have the same problem of practising certain dark side abilities himself. History: Born around 743 BBY on Korriban as a tribe member of Nin-Khēmia, T'un spent his first 7 years of life on his home world, learning how to wield force lightning and forge certain items, he was founded by the Jedi, and somehow got indoctrinated into the Jedi Order. Over time he became a Jedi master, and had many apprentices of his own. Around the days leading up to the start of the High republic era he had a seat within the Jedi council itself, before he resigned, all the while forming his own phil...